Turkish Licence Plates

Examples of Turkish Car licence Plates

Bullet Pencil 1kbTurkish Cars are licenced locally in the owner's home province. Tukish Licence Plate watching is a an interesting hobby, as you can always tell the stranger or visitor from the locals by the the first two (three) letters of their licence plate.

The text format on Turkish Plates is one of the following:

PPX9999, PPX99999 or
PPXX999, PPXX9999 or

PP - two (three) digit prefix denoting the location, shows the province code number of the main residence of car holder.

X/XX/XXX - one/two or three letters.

9999/999/99 - four/three or two digits suffix depending on the size of letters before, not exceeding than six letters and digits together.

In some provinces, numbering is categorized in groups for tax collecting offices of different districts.

The colouring and alphabetical coding of Car Licence Plates also indicates what type of user the owner may be. These codings are discussed at the end of this web page.

There are 101 provinces as listed below:

Turkish Province Codes

A private vehicle plate from Ankara (Province Code 06)

Turkish Province Codes were originally 67 in number and were in alphabetical order - thus Adana was code 01 to Zonguldak code 67. As time went on some towns were re-named and consequently because they kept their own Province Code Number the alphabetical series was broken. For instance Maraş (code 46) became Kahramanmaraş - Hero Maraş - [renamed by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to honour its part in the War of Independance] - but still followed Manisa (code 45) although the alphbetical series was broken.

As time went on the Province Codes (originally totalling 67 from Adana - 01 to Zonguldak - 67) were added to, thus forming a total of 81 codings and these additions are also not in the total alphabectial series. But car plate watching is a fun thing in Turkey.

Thanks to H.O.K. of Antalya for corrections to the list. Jan 2006
Turkish Province Codes
  1. #01 - Adana
  2. #02 - Adıyaman
  3. #03 - Afyon
  4. #04 - Ağrı
  5. #05 - Amasya
  6. #06 - Ankara
  7. #07 - Antalya
  8. #08 - Artvin
  9. #09 - Aydın
  10. #10 - Balıkesir
  11. #11 - Bilecik
  12. #12 - Bingöl
  13. #13 - Bitlis
  14. #14 - Bolu
  15. #15 - Burdur
  16. #16 - Bursa
  17. #17 - Çanakkale
  18. #18 - Çankırı
  19. #19 - Çorum
  20. #20 - Denizli
  1. #21 - Diyarbakır
  2. #22 - Edirne
  3. #23 - Elazığ
  4. #24 - Erzincan
  5. #25 - Erzurum
  6. #26 - Eskişehir
  7. #27 - Gaziantep
  8. #28 - Giresun
  9. #29 - Gümüşhane
  10. #30 - Hakkari
  11. #31 - Hatay
  12. #32 - Isparta
  13. #33 - İçel (Mersin)
  14. #34 - İstanbul
  15. #35 - İzmiri
  16. #36 - Kars
  17. #37 - Kastamonu
  18. #38 - Kayseri
  19. #39 - Kırklareli
  20. #40 - Kırşehir
  1. #41 - Kocaeli (İzmit)
  2. #42 - Konya
  3. #43 - Kütahya
  4. #44 - Malatya
  5. #45 - Manisa
  6. #46 - Kahramanmaraş
  7. #47 - Mardin
  8. #48 - Muğla
  9. #49 - Muş
  10. #50 - Nevşehir
  11. #51 - Niğde
  12. #52 - Ordu
  13. #53 - Rize
  14. #54 - Sakarya
  15. #55 - Samsun
  16. #56 - Siirt
  17. #57 - Sinop
  18. #58 - Sivas
  19. #59 - Tekirdağ
  20. #60 - Tokat
  1. #61 - Trabzon
  2. #62 - Tunceli
  3. #63 - Şanlıurfa
  4. #64 - Uşak
  5. #65 - Van
  6. #66 - Yozgat
  7. #67 - Zonguldak
  8. #68 - Aksaray
  9. #69 - Bayburt
  10. #70 - Karaman
  11. #71 - Kırıkkale
  12. #72 - Batman
  13. #73 - Şırnak
  14. #74 - Bartın
  15. #75 - Artdahan
  16. #76 - Iğdır
  17. #77 - Yalova
  18. #78 - Karabük
  19. #79 - Kilis
  20. #80 - Osmaniye
  21. #81 - Düzce

See Detailed - - (External link in Turkish)

Turkish Car Licence Plate Coding

Private Vehicles - Turkish

A private vehicle plate from Istanbul (Province Code 34)
TR 34 ZD 8866

Private Vehicles - Turkish:
PP X 99999 to PP XXX 999 (Black characters on white background) - where PP equates to the Province Number and X or XX or XXX is alphabetic.

Official Vehicles - Turkish

An official Zabita vehicle plate from Manisa (Province Code 45)
Official Car Plate
TR 18 GH 3832

Official Vehicles - Turkish:
PP X 99999 to PP XXX 999 (White characters on black background) - where PP equates to the Province Number and X or XX or XXX is alphabetic. Used by Town Corporations and Officals on business. The Zabita are local corporation uniformed officers for contol of prices etc.

Provincial Vehicles

A Province Government vehicle plate from Aydin (Province Code 09)
Zabita Car Plate
TR 42 A 0057

Province Government Vehicles:
PP A 9999 (Red characters on white background - with single or double letter "A" in red as identifier for Provincial Official Car Licence)
This car a Province Government Vehicle for Aydin (Province Code 09). It is parked in the Provincial Government Office car park.

Police Vehicles

A Police vehicle plate from Aydin (Province Code 09)
Police Car Plate

TR 10 AA 057

Police Vehicles:
PP A 9999 or PP AA 9999 or PP AAA 999 (White characters on Blue background - with singleletter "A" or doubleletter "AA" or triple letter "AAA" as alphabetic Identifier for police vehicles.)

This vehicle is parked outside a local police station in the Province of Aydin.

Members of International Organisations

TR 09 B 446

Members of International Organisations:
PP B 999 or 99 B 9999 (Blue characters on White background with single letter B as alphabeteic identifier for International orgarisations such as UNESCO etc..)

Diplomatic Corps.

TR 06 CF 057

Diplomatic Corp.
PP CA 999 to PP CZ 999 (White characters on green background with "CA" to "CZ" as alphbetic identifier)


CD Plate  3Kb
TR 01 CP 445

Consular Vehicles:
PP CA 999 to PP CZ 999 (Green characters on white background - withletters "CA" to "CZ" alphbetic identifier)

Temporary One Month

TR 34 G 1757

Temporary (One Month) Vehicles:
PP G 9999 (Black characters on Yellow background - with single letter "G" as alphabetic identifier)

Temporary Customs

TR 35 GMR 836

Temporary Customs Vehicles:
PP GMR 999 (Red characters on Green background - with letter group "GMR" - gümrük - customs - as alphbetic identifier.)

Foreign Temporary Residents

TR 16 MB 226

Foreign Temporary Residents:
PP MA 999 to PP MZ 999 (Black characters on white background - with "MA" to "MZ" as alpabetic identifier for foreigners with temporary residence permit)


A Taxi vehicle plate from Aydin (Province Code 09)
Taksi Car Plate
TR 67 TRF 834

Taxis (optional):

PP TXX 999 (black characters on white background - with Letter "T" in first position as alphbetic identifier)

Test Vehicles

TR 26 T 2167

Test Vehicles:
PP T 9999 (red characters on white background - with single letter "T" as Test Vehicle Identifier)

Special License Plates

President of Turkey

CB 001

State President:
Yellow characters on red background in CB ### format.

Members of Parliament

TBMM 081

Members of Parliament:
Yellow characters on red background in TBMM ### format.

Prime Minister, Government Members, Undersecretaries and Director General of Security


Prime Minister and Civil Servants:
Yellow characters on red background in #### format.

Province Governers

45 0026

Province Governor:
Yellow characters on red background in PP 9999 format - where PP is the Province Code No. - as 34 equates to Istanbul Province or 45 equates to Manisa Province.


174 572

Black characters on white background in 999 999 format.

Jandarma (the French Gendarme): Military based civil policing body.


An official Jandarma vehicle plate.
JandarmaOfficial Car Plate


Important Road Signs

See All Turkish Traffic Signs

Signs on the Road
durDUR Stop/Halt
tek yonTek yön One way
tasit giremezGirilmez No entry (in general)
tasit giremezTaşıt Giremez No vehicle entry
Trans. SpacerGiriş Entrance
Trans. SpacerÇıkış Exit
Trans. SpacerPark yapılmaz/edilmez No parking
parkyasak.gifPark etmek yasaktır No parking
Trans. SpacerŞehir merkezi City center
Trans. SpacerAraç çıkabilir Vehicles exiting
Trans. SpacerAskeri bölge Military Zone
hastane.jpgHastane Hospital
Yaya GecidiYaya geçidi Pedestrian Crossing
Trans. SpacerTırmanma şeridi Climbing Lane
Trans. SpacerYol çalışması Road work
Trans. SpacerYol tamiri Road repair
Road WorksYol yapımı Road construction
Trans. SpacerServis Yolu Service Road
Trans. SpacerAğır Taşıtlar Sağdan gidiniz Trucks use right lane
Rest AreaDinlenme Alanı Rest area
Trans. SpacerServis Alanı Service area
Trans. SpacerUzun araç Long vehicle
Trans. SpacerTırmanma sağdan Slower vehicles use right lane
Trans. SpacerTEM "Tem Oto Yolu" Transit European Motorway
Trans. SpacerAS. İZ. Military Police (Askeri İnzibat)
Give WayYol Ver Give Way

Key Motoring Terms

A Motoring Vocabulary
Benzin Gas/petrol
Kurşunsuz Lead free gas
Mazot/motorin Diesel
Tehlikeli Madde Dangerous materials,
(propane, gas, etc.)
Lastikçi Tyre repair
Sanayi bölgesi Repair shop zone
Otogar Bus station
Kar Snow
Buz Ice
Kaza raporu Accident Report
Kısmet Fate
Allah korusun May God protect me.
(sign on many trucks)
Dikkatsiz Careless
Düzensiz Disorder/erratic
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