A visit to the Milk Bar
(Soda Fountain for our American Friends)
One of the normal parts of life in Turkey is a visit to a Milk Pudding Cafe. These can be found everywhere and some of them can be very up market.
They serve such items as ice cream, rice puddings and many other dairy based sweet dishes. Usually they are not cheap but as we have stated elsewhere our Turkish friends eat out far more that we do here in England.
It is often possible to see a boy and girl enjoying a dish or two and often a family and their children will come along for a treat. Many of these shops are open until quite late in the evenings.
They are all of course - içkisiz - that is they do not serve alcohol.
Muhallebici - The Milk Pudding Purveyor

A Street Billboard for a "Milk Pudding" Cafe in Hatay Caddesi - Izmir
- Hasan Usta (from Bolu)
- Süt Tatlıları - Sweet Milk Dishes
- Kazandibi - Slightly burnt milk pudding - (lit :Bottom of the Pot)
- Tavukgöğsü - Chicken Breasts in a sweet milk sauce
- Keşkül - Milk pudding with coconut
- Sup - a sweet milk soup
- Fırın Sütlaç - Baked (lit: Oven) Rice Pudding
- Aşure - Noah's Pudding - a sweet dish of cereals, sugar, dried fruit.
- Krem Karamel - Cream Caramel.
- Ekmek Kadayıfı - a sweet made of bread dough steeped in syrup.
- Şekerpare - a sugared pastry dish.
The owner of this shop is called Hasan Usta - the term Usta means - "skilled, experienced, master of a craft etc.". You can address people directly as - Usta bey - to show that you realize that they are plying a craft.
Another Milk Bar - They are everywhere.
- A Muhallebici in Main Street - Kuşadası
- This owner also styles himself as usta (expert)
- Sefer Usta - he is of course also known as Sefer bey
- The name of the Cafe is - Öz Süt - True Milk
We can see the addition of a couple more dishes on offer at this cafe - Peynir Tatlısı - Cheese (cake) Dessert and Krem Şokola - Chocolate Cream and of course Profiterol is the same in English.