Kasko Car Insurance

Kasko Sigortası - Comrehensive Insurance

Karayollarında kullanılabilen motorlu ve motorsuz taşıtlardan doğan irade dışı sabit veya hareketli cisme çarpma, çarpılma, devrilme, düşme, yuvarlanma gibi kazalar ile üçüncü kişilerin kötü hareketleri, aracın çalınması, çalınma teşebbüsü, yanması ile oluşabilecek maddi zararları temin edici bir sigorta türüdür.

Literal English from The Turkish

On licensed roads which can be used from engined and engineless conveyances which occur volition outside stationary or moving, grazing, colliding, crashing, overturning, falling, rolling the like accidents with the third party wrong manoeuvres, his car's being collided, being crashed events, fire and which can be material damages assured an insurance is.

Put into English style English

This Insurance is assured for accidents by engined or engineless vehicles which can be used on licensed roads due to the third party's wrong manouevers, collision with his car and any events arising therefrom including fire and material damage,which occur outside the insured's own volition whether stationary or moving including - grazing, colliding, crashing, overturning, falling, rolling and suchlike accidents.

The Passive Form

çarpılma - to be in collision (with..) is the Passive Verb formed from - çarpma - to collide (with..)

Translation Notes
  1. kullanılabilen.. - which are able to be used.. - this is a
    Subject Participle of the Passive Mood used as an adjective to describe - taşıtlar(dan) - conveyances
  2. doğan irade dışı - lit: which arise will outside-the - involuantary this is a
    Complex Indefinite Noun completion combination where both doğan - which arise. and irade - volition - is used as an adjective to describe dışı - the outside
  3. cisme çarpma, çarpılma devrilme, düşme, yuvarlanma - these are all verbal nouns (the abraded
    Infinitive which drops its final -k) meaning - the colliding - etc.
  4. üçüncü kişilerin kötü hareketleri - the third persons' wrong manouvers. Here this is a noun of
    Possessive Relationship - (kişilerin hareketleri) - where kötü describes the manouevers and splits also the Relationship while - üçüncü - third - describes the whole Posessive Relationship.
  5. aracın çalınması, çalınma teşebbüsü, yanması - here there are a lot of Possessive Relationships all belonging to the Possessor - aracın - of the vehicle. It begins with - aracın çalınması - the vehicle its-been-stolen - and finishes with - (aracın) yanması - its-been-burned
  6. oluşabilecek maddi zararları - which will-be-able-to material damages-the - this is a
    Future Relative Participle (verbal adjective) in the potential mood, being an adjective it precedes the noun which it modifies. oluş-abil-ecek - that-which-will-be-able-to
  7. temin edici bir sigorta - an assured insurance - the suffix -ici signifies regular activity - so - temin edici - means - "it is assuring - (all the time)". If we had used the Subjective Participle Adjective and written - temin eden bir sigorta then we would have meant that only this particular Policy would carry this assurance. But in truth, they all do so.


Kasko Sigortasın Ayrıntıları

The Kasko Insursance Details

Panket 20kb Speed does not shorten the road, it shortens your life..!
  1. Grev, lokavt, kargaşalık, halk hareketleri sonucu oluşacak zararlar.
  2. Strike, lockout, disorder, riots the end resulting damages.
  3. Any damage arising from strikes, lock-outs, civil disorder and riots.
  5. Terörist eylemler ve bu eylemlerden doğan sabotajlar nedeniyle oluşan zararlar.
  6. Terrorist actions and the resulting sabotage with the reason which happen damages.
  7. Damage arising from terrorist actions and any result of such sabotage from these actions.
  9. Deprem ve yanardağ hareketleri nedeniyle meydana gelen zararlar.
  10. Earthquake and volcanic movement with the reason which happen damages.
  11. Damage arising from eathquake and volcanic eruption.
  13. Sel ve su baskını ile oluşan zararlar.
  14. Flood and water pressure with which happen damages.
  15. Damage arising from flood and water pressure.
  17. Halt the road-hog
    which is inside you..

    RoadHog 20kb
  18. Sigara ve benzeri maddelerin teması ile oluşan yangınlar dışındaki zararlar.
  19. Cigarettes and such materials' contact with which happen other than fire damages.
  20. Damage arising from cigarettes and similar materials with the exception on fire damage.
  22. Yetkili olmayan kişilere çektirilen araca verilen zararlar.
  23. Unauthorised being people-to which are taken to the vehicle which are given damages.
  24. Damage caused by un-authorised people taking away the vehicle.
  26. Kullanım ve gelir kaybından doğan zararlar,
  27. Usage and income loss-from arising damages.
  28. Damages arising from usage and loss of income.
  30. Aracın, patlayıcı, parlayıcı ve yakıcı maddeler taşıması nedeniyle uğrayacağı zararlar.
  31. The vehicle's carrying,explosive, ignitable and inflammable materials reason-with that-will undergo damages.
  32. Damages arising from the carrying of explosive, ignitable and infammable materials.
  34. Taşıtın yarışlara katılması sonucu meydana gelen zararlar,
  35. The vehicle's taking part in races the result happening damages.
  36. Damages arising from taking part in racing.
  38. Ferdi Kaza Koltuk
  39. Individual Accident Protection.
  40. Personal Accident Protection
  42. Bir hasar sonrası oranım süresince yapacağımız ulaşım masraflarını ve uğrayacağınız mali kayıplar.
  43. A Damage result-its it-proportion on-going-along (throughout) our transportation costs that will arise and material losses that we will accrue.
  44. Proportional damages arising from accrual of costs of transportation and material losses arising throughout the accident.

Kasko teminat dışındaki durumlar.

Conditions outside of Kasko Protection.

Let us not be a problem in the traffic, let us be part of the solution..! Trafikte 20kb
  1. Savaş, istila, iç savaş, ihtilal, isyan, ayaklanma,
  2. War, invasion, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurgence,
  3. War, invasion, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurgence
  5. Nükleer yakıt ve atıklardan, iyonlanıcı radyasyonların ve radyoaktivite buluşmalarının neden olacağı zararlar,
  6. Nuclear fuel and waste, ionisation, radiation's and radioactivity's effects from reason which will happen damages.
  7. Damages arising from nuclear fuel and waste and the effects from ionisation, radiation and radioactivity.
  9. Uyuşturucu maddeler ve alkollü içki almış kimseler tarafından kullanılması sırasında meydana gelen zararla.,
  10. Narcotic materials and people under in influence of alcoholic drink while using when necessary which arise damages.
  11. Damages arising from vehicle usage where necessary by persons under influence of alchohol or narcotics
  13. Kamu otoritesi tarafından çekilme harici, taşıtta yapılacak her türlü tasarruflar.
  14. External moving by public authorities, to the conveyance all sort of economy.
  15. All costs of external moving by public authorities.
  17. Please don't use your
    vehicle with alchohol and speed.
    Your life is valuble for us..

    alkollu 20kb
  18. Yağsızlık, susuzluk, donma, bozulma, eskime, çürüme, paslanma veya bakımsızlık ile meydana gelen zararlar,
  19. Without oil, without water, frost, breakdown, wear and tear, rotting, rusting, or neglect with which arise damages.
  20. Damage arising from lack of oil, lack of water, frost damage, breakdown, wear and tear, rotting, rusting or neglect.
  22. Taşıtın mekanik, elektrik ve elektronik donanımında meydana gelen her türlü arıza,
  23. The vehicle's mechanic, electric and electronic equipment which arrive all type of defect.
  24. Any defect in the vehicle's electic or electonic equipment.
  26. Taşıtın sürücü belgesine sahip olmayan kimseler tarafından kullanılması sırasında meydana gelen zararlar,
  27. The vehicle's driver licence which are not owner persons by the use being when necessary which arise damages.
  28. Dammages arising during necessary vehicle use by persons other than the owner.
  30. Düzenli sefer yapan gemiler ve trenler dışında kara, deniz ve havada taşınması ile oluşan zararlar,
  31. Regular journey which make boats and trains in external lands, sea and air carrying with which happen damages.
  32. Damage arising on regular jorneys on boats, trains and carriage by sea or air in foriegn countries.
  34. Taşıma haddinden fazla yük ve yolcu taşıması sırasında oluşan zararlar
  35. Carrying limit than extra load and passenger carrying when necessary which occur damages.
  36. Damage caused ny necessary overloading of passengers or carriage.
  38. Sigortalı ya da fiillerden sorumlu olduğu veya birlikte yaşadığı kişiler tarafından taşıta kasten verilen zararlar ve bu kişiler tarafından taşıtın kaçırılması ya da çalınması nedeniyle meydana gelen zararlar.
  39. Insured and also from action responsible which is or together with that are living people by the vehicle deliberately which are given damages and these persons by the vehicle's being taken or also stolen with the reason which come damages.
  40. Deliberate damage and acts by those responsible or insured or by persons living together, and damages caused by taking or stealing by these persons.

Kasko genel indirimleri

Kasko general discounts

Safety Belt 20kb
Speed does not shorten the road,
it shortens your life..!
  1. Hasarsızlık indirimi,
  2. Non-damage discount
  3. No claims discount?
  5. Araç çokluğu indirimi,
  6. Multi-vehicle discount
  7. Multi-vehicle discount
  9. Plaka indirimi.
  10. Licence plate (type) discount
  11. Licence plate (type) discount (according to class)
  13. Servis aracı indirimi,
  14. Service vehicle discount.
  15. Service vehicle discount.
  17. Kasko özel indirimleri
  18. Kasko private discount.
  19. Kasko private discount.
  21. Sürücü indirimi : 35 yaşını doldurmuş ve 10 yıllık ehliyet sahiplerine..
  22. Driver discount: 35 year old having attained and ten year licensed to the owner..
  23. Driver discount: 35 year old with 10 year driving experience.
  25. Bayan sürücü indirimi : Araç sahibi ve araç sürücüsü aynı bayan ise..
  26. Lady driver discount: Vehicle owner and vehicle driver same lady if is..
  27. Lady driver discount: Providing the lady driver is also the vehicle owner.
  29. Emekli indirimi : Araç sahibi ve araç sürücüsü aynı kişi ise..
  30. Pensioner discount: Vehicle owner and vehicle driver same person if is..
  31. Pensioner driver discount: Providing the pensioner driver is also the vehicle owner.
  33. Alarm indirimi: Alarmlı aracı olanlara özel ..
  34. Alarm discount: alarmed vehicle which are-to particular..
  35. Alarm discount: Discounts apply to alarmed vehicles.

Diğer İndirimler

Other discounts

TrafikKural 20kb Don't forget, every traffic law has a reason..!
  1. Muafiyet Kasko sigortalarında
  2. Exempt kasko insurance-the-in.
  3. Kako Insurans exempted classes
  5. Primlerin peşin ödendiği hallerde
  6. Premium in advance which has been paid conditions.
  7. Discout for premiums paid in advance.
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