Shop Signs

Some Shop Window Signs

A sign in a confectioners window in Ayvalık - May 2003
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  1. Popcorn Cin Mısır geldi - Popcorn Has Come
  2. Lit: cin - genii
  3. lit: mısır - corn
  4. cin mısır - popcorn
  5. geldi - has (have) come (arrived)

  1. Nefis Pişmaniye Geldi - Fine Sugar Candy Has Arrived
  2. Lit: nefis      lit: rare, excellent
  3. Lit: pişmaniye - a kind of sugar candy

  1. Cevizli Antepli Sucuk Geldi - The Antep Walnut Sweetmeat has come
  2. Lit: ceviz-li - containing walnuts
  3. Lit: Antep-li - from Antep - (a town - now called Gaziantep)
  4. Lit: sucuk - a sweetmeat made of nuts and grape juice
  5. sucuk also means - a savory sausage

  1. Üzüm Pestili geldi - Dried Grape Pulp has come
  2. Lit: üzüm - grapes
  3. Lit: pestil-i - dried fruit pulp
  4. Is this the - "pesto" - as in Italy?

See below..

An Explanation about "pesto"
We have received the following explanation from Gary - Many thanks - JG. Manisa Turkish - May 2006..

Thank you immensely for your excellent website. I had studied some Turkish a few years back and wished to refesh and augment my knowledge of this fascinating and rich language.

Today I came across this section:

Üzüm Pestili geldi - Dried Grape Pulp has come
Lit: üzüm - grapes
Lit: pestil-i - dried fruit pulp
Is this the - "pesto" - as in Italy?

Just a thought.....the Greeks took many terms into their language from the Turks due to the Turkokrateia for so many centuries. This occurs so very often in foods (esp sweets), household items, et al. Many confections sold in Greece are labelled as "pasteli". I wonder if they got this from the Turkish "pestili" or vice versa - both meaning a sort of confection or candy.

As I say.....just a thought, for whatever it's worth... I tend to think it is not at all related to the Italian pesto.

Many thanks to Gary for this explanation of "pesto" - JG - 28th May 2006

  1. Kontürlü Telefon - Pay 'Phone (available inside)
  2. Lit: Kontürlü - with counters
  3. Lit: Telefon - telephone
  4. Advertising that the shop has a - "Pay Phone"

  1. Kredi Kartı Geçerlidir - Credit Cards Valid (accepted)
  2. Lit: Kredi Kartı - Credit Card
  3. Lit: Geçerlidir - (Geçer-li-dir) - Valid
  4. Advertising that the shop takes - "Credit Card Payments"

  1. Süzme Aydın İnciri Geldi - Dried Figs from Aydin have come
  2. Lit: Süzme inciri - Dried fig(s)
  3. Lit: Aydin - A town in Western turkey
  4. Advertising that "Dried Figs from Aydin" - "Have Come"

  1. Açık Nescafe Bulunur - Loose Coffee Powder is to be found
  2. Lit: Açık - Loose..
  3. Lit: Bulunur - Is to be found.. (is available)
  4. Advertising that Nescafe style coffee powder - "is available"
  5. Note: We have translated - açık as "loose" - but we are not absolutely sure if this meaning is correct. Any help is gladly accepted.

See Below...

An Explanation of - açık - loose..

We have received the following explanation from Zeynep hanım of İstanbul. - Many thanks - JG. Manisa Turkish - March 2006..
Here is how Zeynep hanım has explained this usage of - açık - in this situation:

Açıklamaya çalışayım: - Let me try to explain:

  1. Nescafe (Neskafe): İnstant olan tüm kahve çeşitleri için günlük dilimize yerleşmiş bir kelimedir.
  2. Nescafe (Neskafe): The word "nescafe" ("neskafe") - has taken its place in our daily language for all types of coffee products.
  1. Açık: "Ambalajı (packages) açılarak azar azar (little by little) ya da müşterinin istediği miktarda satılan mal" anlamındadır.
  2. Open: This means - "Material which is sold in either small amounts or to the customer's requirements from open packages"
  1. Bu kelime nohut, fasulye, baharat, deterjan ve benzeri (the like) ürünler için kullanılıyor.
  2. This word - açık (loose) - is used for chickpeas, beans, spices, detergent and suchlike products.
  1. Satın alma sıkıntısı olan - pek para kazanamayan - müşteriler (customers) için düşünülmüş bir çözüm (solution) yoludur.
  2. It is the considered solution for people who have hardship in purchasing - those who do not earn a lot of money.
  1. Çünkü, maliyeti (cost) daha düşük oluyor ve gerektiği kadar (needed amount) satın alıyor.
  2. This is because the cost is lower and they (are able to) buy their required amount.

What a Load of Rubbish

A sign in Izmir bus station - (otogar) at Pınarbaşı

Bus Station Sign 16Kb

Please don't dirty the floors. Throw your cigarette ends and rubbish into the rubbish bins - Izotaş

  1. Lütfen yerleri kirletmeyiniz.
  2. Please don't dirty the floor(s)
  3. sigara izmaritleri ve çöplerinizi
  4. your cigartette ends and your rubbish(es)
  5. Çöp kutularına atınız
  6. to the rubbish bins throw
  7. İzotaş - an acronym for -
  8. Izmir Transport Organisation Ltd.

kirletmek - the Causative Verb form - to make dirty

Bus Station Sign 13Kb Meatball Cafe Sign 12Kb

Please Don't dirty the floors

The Tekirdağ Meatball Place

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