Polis Stress Prescriptions
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The Police Stress Management Official Instructions

polisman01.gif 4kbThe following is from The Sabah Newspaper dated 8th January 2001. It is a reprint of an Instruction in Stress Management for Policemen which was distributed to all Police Stations by the General Security Ministry.

Manisa Turkish is using this article to explain some of the daily grammar difficulties for English Speakers and to show that reading is a good way to begin to learn how Turkish really works on a daily basis.

It can be seen that it is almost impossible to translate Turkish - English or English - Turkish verbatim. Turkish and English languages have differing aspects of grammar and syntax. One has to learn how to think "Turkish" and how to agglutinate (extend) the words - it takes time and practice, and can be very difficult. Maybe it is best at first just to arrive at the "concept or idea" of the meaning and not try to translate literally.

Bullet Pencil 1kbAlso of course as we have said elsewhere - Turkish is a very adjectival language so all attributes of subjects are placed in front of their nouns and the verb comes last.

POLİSİN STRES REÇETESİ - The Police Stress Prescription

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  1. Issuing Authority

  2. ANKARA - Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü, polis memurlarının ruh sağlığı için 55 maddelik bir reçete hazırladı.
  1. ANKARA - The General Security Management has made ready some 55 stress management prescriptions for the mental health of the police.

  1. Production of the Booklet

  2. Altı psikolog tarafından kaleme alınarak "Stres ve Baş etme Yolları" adıyla Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından bastırılan reçete, 20 sayfalık kitapçık olarak tüm Emniyet Teşkilatlarına gönderildi.
  1. Here is something like the Turkish English..

  2. Six psychologists by taking their pens "Stress and Coping Methods" named-with the General Security Management by which-is-printed prescription, (a) 20 page booklet it-being all Security Establishments-to sent-has-been.
  1. Here is something like the English English..

  2. A 20 page booklet written by six psychologists called "Coping with Stress" has been printed and sent to all Security Establishments by the General Security Authority.

  1. Police Stress Symptoms

  2. Polislik mesleğin, stresin en yoğun yaşandığı meslek gruplarından birisi olduğu belirtilen kitapçıkta, stresin fizyolojik zihinsel ve davranışsal açıdan olumsuz etkilerine yer verilirken, polisin neden stresli olduğu şu ifadelerle anlatıldı:
  1. Here is something like the Turkish English..

  2. The Police profession, stress-of the-most dense which-arises professional groups-from one-of-the which-is which-makes-known booklet, the stress's physiological, mental and behavioural pain-from negative effects-to place while-being-given, the police-of (the) reason stressed their-being the-former statements are-explained.
  1. Let us try to put it into English English..

  2. The booklet explains that the Police profession is one of those professions which are most open to stress situations. It also explains the negative effects which can arise out of physiological, mental and behavioural problems is the reason that policemen are stressed.

  1. Reasons for Police Stress

  2. "Polislik mesleği aktif silahlı görev, düzensiz çalışma saatleri, nöbet ve vardiya sistemleri görevin riskleri ve sorumlukları, hiyerarşik yapıdan kaynaklanan alt-üst çatışmaları, her türlü suç olgusu ve suçlularla iç içe olma gibi koşulların birlikte ya da tek tek yarattığı stresler nedeniyle normal popülasyona göre stres bozukluklarının sık görüldüğü meslek grubudur"
  1. Here is something like the Turkish English..

  2. "The Police profession active gun-with task, irregular working hours, duties and working shift systems, their risks and responsibilities, hierarchical structure-from which-result-from upside down (topsy-turvy) conflicts, every sort of crime event to be in the middle of as if of-the-conditions together then also each one which-are-formed stresses with-the-reason according to the normal population the stress troubles frequently that-is-seen professional group is."
  1. Let us try to put it into English English..

  2. "The Police profession is armed, their working hours irregular with shift systems, their risks and responsibilities myriad, and the policeman himself can be in the middle of every sort of crime with no immediate recourse to a higher authority. For all these reasons the Police can become far more stressed than the normal population."

Kitapçığın İçindekileri - The Booklet's Contents

  1. Kitapçıkta, "Strese Karşı Beden ve Ruh Sağlığın Korunması" başlığı altından yer alan 55 maddelik uyarılara, tüm polislerin dikkat etmesi istendi. Bu mutluluk reçetesinde, beslenme rejiminden aşk hayatına kadar şu uyanlar yer alıyor.
  1. The turkish construction runs something like this..

  2. In the booklet - "Stress Against Physical and Metal Health its-Prevention" - heading its-underneath place which-takes 55 clauses to-the-warnings, all the-policemen-of notice to-take-of-them is-required. This fortunate prescription-in, nourishment regime-from love life-its-to the amount those(former) stimuli place take.
  1. Let us try to put it into English English..

  2. This excellent booklet entitled "Prevention of Physical and Mental Problems" contains 55 rules which all police are required to follow. The contents range from the subject of diet to that of love-life.


  1. 1. Yavaş yemek yiyin. Her lokmayı çiğneyip öyle yutun.
  2. Eat food slowly. Chew every mouthful and thus swallow.
  3. 2. Az ve sık yemek yiyin.
  4. Little and often food eat.
  5. 3. Sabahları kahvaltı edin.
  6. Have breakfast in the mornings.
  7. 5. Akşam yemeklerinden 3-4 saat sonra yatın.
  8. Go to bed three or four hours after evening meals.
  9. 6. Yatmadan önce yarım bardak ayran, ya da süt için.
  10. Before going to bed drink half a glass of ayran or milk.
  11. 7. Çeşitli besin maddelerinden oluşan yiyecekleri seçin.
  12. Choose various nourishing foods for your meals.
  13. 8. Tereyağı ve margarinden kaçının.
  14. Stay away from butter and margarine.
  15. 9. Şeker, ekmek ve tatlı gibi karbonhidratlı yiyecekleri azaltın.
  16. Reduce sugar, bread, desserts and the like of carbohydrate foods.
  17. 10. Kırmızı eti kaldırın, balık ve tavuk eti tercih edin.
  18. Leave off red meat and prefer fish or chicken.
  19. 11. Az yağlı süt ve yoğurdu tercih edin.
  20. Low fat milk and yoghurt prefer.
  21. 12. Yiyeceklerinize fazla tuz koymayın.
  22. Do not put too much salt on your food.
  23. 13. Şekeriniz yoksa bol bol meyve ve sebze yiyin.
  24. If you have not got sugar (problems) eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.
  25. 14. Alkolden kaçının. Alışkanlık varsa yemek arasında bol suyla yavaş için.
  26. Keep away from alcohol. If you are used to alcohol drink a lot of water between your meals
  27. 15. Sigara içmeyin. Alışkanlığınız varsa günde 3-5 sigaradan fazla içmeyin.
  28. Do not smoke cigarettes. If you are used to smoking, do not smoke more than 3 - 5 daily.
  29. 16. Günde 1-2 kahve, 2-3 bardaktan fazla çay içmeyin.
  30. Do not drink more than 1-2 coffee, 2-3 glasses of tea daily.
  31. 17. Düzenli uyuyun.
  32. Sleep regularly.
  33. 18. Uykudan önce gevşeyin.
  34. Stretch before sleeping.
  35. 19. Uykudan önce korku filmleri izlemeyin.
  36. Do not watch horror films before sleeping.
  37. 20. Bol dinlenin ve hareket edin.
  38. Take rest and exercise often.
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