Words used in place of nouns are termed pronouns.

In Turkish basic pronouns are divided into two categories:

I - Pronouns in word form
II - Pronouns in suffix form

I - Pronouns in the form of words:

Word Type pronouns are divided into four groups:
(A) Personal pronouns - (Kişi zamirleri)
(B) Demonstrative pronouns - (İşaret zamirleri)
(C) Indefinite pronouns - (Belgisiz zamirler)
(D) Interrogative pronouns - (Soru zamirleri)

(A) Personal pronouns:

These words are used in place of nouns or names.
ben, sen, o ..vs. - I, You, He/She/It .. etc.

Personal Pronoun Particularities

(1) Personal pronouns can be Pluralised and may take suffixes of Condition.

Singular: Ben, sen, o - I, you, he/she/it
Plural: biz, siz, onlar - we, you, they

Personal pronouns with Suffixes of Condition:

Simple Form Object Form Movement To.. Static Form Movement from..
Yalın hâl -i hâli -e hâli -de hâli -den hâli
to me
in/on/at me
from/by me
to you
in/on/at you
from/by you
him,her,it (obj.)
to him/her.it
in/on/at you
from/by him/her/it
us (obj.)
to us
in/on/at us
from/by us
you (pl. polite.)
you (obj.)
to you
in/on/at you
from/by you
them (obj.)
to them
in/on/at them
from/by them

(2). Familar and Polite usage

Sen - you (singular) - is used for friends, children and family, whilst - siz - you (plural)" is used for politeness, strangers and to show respect [Similar to "vous.." as used in French.]

A child instead of saying "My teacher, the head is calling you " - (which uses - sen - friendly, intimate), would say "My teacher, the head is calling you" - (using - siz - polite, respectful).

(3). Conventions of using the Subject Personal Pronoun

The conventions of using word form pronouns or suffix form pronouns.
Generally speaking unless the person is heavily stressed in speech, the suffixed form is used.


Stressed Preferred Translation
Benim defterim defterim my notebook
Senin defterin defterin your notebook
Onun defteri defteri his/her/its notebook
Bizim defterimiz defterimiz our notebook
Sizin defteriniz defteriniz your notebook
Onların defteri defterleri their notebook(s)

(4). The Reflexive Pronoun - kendi - self, oneself

Kendi - self - is also a pronoun, it can be pluralized - kendiler - selves - and have suffixes added.

Subject Pronoun Reflexive pronoun
Ben - I Kendim - myself
Sen - you Kendin - yourself
O - he/she/it Kendi (kendisi) - himself/herself/itself
Biz - us Kendimiz - ourself, ourselves
Siz - you Kendiniz - yourself, yourselves
Onlar - they Kendileri - theirself, theirselves

Kendi kendine konuşuyor. - He is talking to himself
Note that in the example above - keni kendine - self to self (literally) - is reduplicated. This often happens with the kendi refexive pronoun in Turkish, as a discrete subject is usually stated.
Kendi kalemini kullan. - Use your pen yourself
Kendimize güvenimiz kalmadı. - We are not sure of ouselves
Sorunlarını, kendileri çözsün. - Let them answer the questions themselves.

(B) Demonstrative Pronouns:

Demonstrative pronouns are use to point out [Demonstrate..] nouns which have already been stated, as in - Bu, şu, o - this, that, that yonder

Demonstrative Pronoun Particularities

(1). Demonstrative pronouns can be pluralized and have Suffixes of Condition added to them.

Demonstrative Pronouns and their plurals:
Singular: - Bu, şu, o - this, that, that yonder
Plural: - Bunlar, şunlar, onlar - these, those, those yonder

(2). Demonstrative pronouns with Suffixes of Condition:

Yalın hâl -i hâli -e hâli -de hâli -den hâli
this (obj.)
to this
in/on/at this
from/by this
that (obj.)
to that
in/on/at that
from/by that
that yonder
that yonder (obj.)
to that yonder
in/on/at that yonder
from/by that yonder
these (obj.)
to these
in/on/at these
from/by these
those (obj.)
to those
in/on/at those
from/by those
those yonder
those yonder (obj.)
to those yonder
in/on/at those yonder
from/by those yonder

Other derived Demonstrative pronouns

Öteki - the other over there, the offside
beriki - the other just here, the nearside
burası - this place here
şurası - that place just there
orası - that place over there

böylesi - this way thus
öylesi - that way thus.

All these are also considered as Demomstrative Pronouns and as such can be pluralised and suffixed

Öteki evi aldık - sıfat - We bought the other house over there. - Dem. Adj. adjective
Ötekini aldık - işaret zamiri - We bought the other one over there - Dem. Prn.
Şu bölüme bakla ektik - sıfat - We planted broad beans in that area - Dem Adj.
Şuraya bakla ektik - işaret zamiri - We planted broad beans just there - Dem. Prn.
O kısmı çapaladık - sıfat - We hoed that part - Dem. Adj.
Orasını çapaladık - işaret zamiri - We hoed over there - Dem. Prn.
Böyle insan görmedim - sıfat - I haven't seen such a man thus - Dem. adj.
Böylesini görmedim - işaret zamiri - I haven't seen one like that - Dem. Prn.
Öyle adamdan hiçbir şey olmaz - sıfat - Nothing comes from a man like that - Dem. Adj.
Öylesinden hiçbir şey olmaz - işaret zamiri - Nothing comes from such as that. - Dem. Prn.

Demonstrative Qualifiying Relationships

(3). Demonsrative pronouns when used with a noun form a Qualifying Noun completion

Bunun evi - This one's house
Şunun kalemi - That one's pen
Onun çantası - That one's bag
Bunların arabası - These's car(s) - (The car belonging to these)
Şunların arkadaşları - Those's friends - (The friends of those [people])
Onların oyuncakları - Those's toys
Ötekinin saçı - The other one's [over there] hair
Berikinin pantolonu - The nearer one's trousers
Burasının yolu - This place's road - (the road just here)
Şurasının havası - The weather there
Orasının üzümü - That places's grapes - (the grapes from there)
Öylesinin parası - That type [that such of] of money
Böylesinin malı - This type [this such of] of goods

Differences between Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

The words for Demonstrative Adjectives and pronouns are the same. In order not to mix them we shoul consider the following differences.

(A) Demonsrative Adjectives cannot take a plural, wheras Demonstrative Pronouns can do so. Thus - bunlar - these ones, ounlar - those ones, şunlar - those ones - are always pronouns.

(B). Demonstrative Adjectives describe and qualify the noun and always precede it. The Demonstrative Pronoun is used in place of the noun itself.

(C). Inside sentences a comma is placed after the Demonstrative pronouns - Bu, şu, o

(D). As a demonstrative pronoun - o - it - is used for replacing the noun of things.

(E). Also, as a demonstrative pronoun - o - it - is used for replacing the noun of persons.

(F). As a demonsrative adjective - o - that - will precede the noun that it qualifies.

Examples of the alternatives in (D), (E), (F) above:

O, sularda yaşar. - işaret zamiri - That [one - a whale?], lives in water - Dem. Prn.
O, ödevlerini yapamamış. - kişi zamiri - He/she apparently has not done the homework. - Personal Prn.
O plaja biz de gittik. - işaret sıfatı - We also went to that beach - Dem. Prn

(C) Indefinite Pronouns - (Belgisiz Zamir):

Where noun is indefinite or not apparent it can be replaced with an Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinte Prn. English
Biri one
birisi the one
birileri some, the ones
birkaçı a few
kimisi who
kimse anybody, nobody
herkes everybody
tümü the lot, the whole
pek çoğu quite a few, a good few
hepsini all of it
bazısı some
hiçbirini not one, none
hiçbirisi not one, no one
her biri each one
başkası another, the other
başkaları someothers
bir kısmı a part
öbürleri... those others

Biri yemeğini yemedi. - One of them dis not eat his meal.
Birisi okula gelmedi. - Nobody came to school.
Kimse incinmesin. - Let nobody get hurt.
Çocukların tümü otobüse binsin. - All the children to get on the bus.
Bir kısmı içeride kalsın. - Let somone stay inside.
Bunlar gitsin, öbürleri gelsin. - These to go, the others to stay.
Çocukların hiçbiri geziye gitmiyor. - Not one of the children are going.

Indefinite Pronoun Particularities

(1). Indefinite Pronouns can be pluralised and have suffixes of Condition attached. Indefinite adjectives do not.

Pek çok çocuk hasta oldu. - Quite a few children were ill.
Sıfat İsim - Adjective - Noun
Pek çokları hasta oldu. - Quite a few became ill.
Pek çok = Indefinite Pronoun
-lar = Plural Suffix
= Objective Suffix

(2). Indefinite Pronouns can be suffixed wth possessive pronouns. Indefinite Adjectives cannot.

Birkaç öğretmen hasta oldu - A few teachers became ill.
Sıfat İsim - Adjective - Noun
Birkaçımız hasta oldu. - A few of our teachers became ill.
Birkaç = Indefinite Pronoun
-ımız = "our" - Possessive Pronoun

(3).As with simple pronouns, Indefinite Pronouns can be used in place of nouns. The Indefinite Adjective form describes and precedes its noun.

Bazı çocuklar geziye gitmedi. - Some children did not go for a walk.
Sıfat İsim - Adjective - Noun
Bazısı geziye gitmedi. - Some did not go for a walk.
Belgisiz Zamir - Indefinite Pronoun

(D)Interrogative Pronouns - (Soru Zamiri)

Interrogative Pronouns can take the place of a noun.

Ne? - what?
kim? - who?
kaça? - how much?
kaçını? - which one?
nereye? - where to?
neyi? what one?...

Ne alacaksın? - What will you buy?
Kim gelecek? - Who will come?
Kaça aldın? - How much did you buy them for?
Kaçını yaptın? - Which one did you make?
Nereye gideceksin? - Where are you going to?
Neyi beğendin? - What did you like?
Nereden geliyorsun? - Where are you coming from?

Interrogative Pronoun Particularities

(1). They can be pluralized

Marketten neler aldın? - What (items) did you buy from the market?
Geziye kimler gidecek? - Who (plural) will go on the trip?

(2) They can take suffixes.

Nereden geliyorsun? - Where are you coming from?
Neyi seçtin? - What (one) did you choose?

(3). Like all pronouns , Interrogative pronouns can replace nouns. Interrogative Adjectives describe nouns.

II - Suffixed Pronouns:

These are two types:
(A) Relative Pronouns - (İlgi zamiri)
(B) Personal pronouns - (İyelik zamiri)

(A) Relative Pronouns

In the completion of descriptive nouns, the suffix -ki can be added to the completed noun and then used in place of the noun + noun completion.

Ali'nin arabası, Ayşe'nin arabasından daha güzeldir. - So we can say -
Ayşe's car is better than Ali's ca.r
Ali'nin arabası, Ayşe'ninkinden daha güzeldir. - So we can say -
Ayşe's one is better than Ali's car.
Bizim koltuklar, Fatmalar'ın koltuklarından daha yenidir. - So we can say -
Our chairs are newer that Fatma's chairs.
Bimkiler, Fatmalar'ın koltuklarından daha yenidir. - So we can say -
Our ones are newer that Fatma's chairs.
Bahçenin domatesi, seranın domatesinden daha lezzetlidir. - So we can say -
Our tomatoes are tastier than the greenhouse tomatoes
Bahçeninki, seraninkinden daha lezzetlidir. - So we can say -
Ours are tastier than the greenhouse ones.
"Ahmet'in kitabi" yerine "Ahmet'inki." - So we can say -
"Ahmet's one" in the place of "Ahmet's book."

(B) Personal Pronouns:

The addition of the -in - of.., belonging to.. - suffix to the noun signifies that it is a possessor.
It answers the question - Who is the owner?

Personal pronouns can also be used in suffix form and are called Personal Suffixes

Personal Pronoun Suffix:

Singular : -(i)m, -(i)n, -i - Singular: my, your, his/hers/its (as suffixes)
Plural: -(i)miz, -(i)niz, leri - Plural: our, your, their (as suffixes

All these sufiixes are subject to Vowel Harmony Rules


Tekil kişiler - Singular Çoğul kişiler - Plural
Çantam - my bag Çantamız - our bag
Çantan - your bag (fam.) Çantanız - you bag (pol.)
Çantası - his/her/its bag Çantaları - their bag(s)

Buffer Letter (Kaynaştırma Harfi) -s- used in third person singular when noun already ends in a vowel - see - çantası - his/her/its bag - in the table above.

Tekil kişiler - Singular Çoğul kişiler - Plural
Okulum - my school Okulumuz - our school
Okulun - your school Okulunuz - your school
Okulu - his/her/its school Okulları - their school(s)
Tekil kişiler - Singular Çoğul kişiler - Plural
Kalemim - my pen Kalemimiz - our pen
Kalemin - your pen Kaleminiz - your pen
Kalemi - his/her/its pen Kalemleri - their pen(s)

Personal Pronoun Particularities

The suffix -i of the third person singular must not be mistaken for the suffix -i as an Object Condition suffix

If the -i suffix is directly fixed to a noun then it is the Personal pronoun - he/she/it - otherwise it is the Objective Condition suffix -i

Kalemi kaybolmuş. - It seems he/she has lost his pen.
The -i - his/her - suffix pronoun signifies the owner

Kalemi bir dukkandan almıştık. - It seems we bought the pen from a shop
Here the -i suffix = Object Condition suffix

Generally the Personal Pronoun -i - he/she/it - and the Object Condition -i Suffix are used together.
In these cases the first suffix -i is a pronoun and the second suffix -i is an Object Condition Suffix

Kalemini [kalem-i-n-i] bana verdi. - He/She gave his/her pen to me
-i = Personal Pronoun - his/her
-n- = Buffer letter between vowels
-i = Object Condition

Evini [Ev-i-n-i] sattı. - He/She sold his/her house
-i = Personal Pronoun - his/her
-n- = Buffer letter between vowels
-i = Object Condition

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