Words which describe the condition, colour size, number, position and place of nouns are called adjectives.

Adjectives precede their noun and are used together with that noun.

The formulation of an adjective + noun is called an Adjective Completion.

Adjectives are divided into two groups according to their quality:


Adjectives which describe condition, colour or shape are called Qualifying Adjectives.

Hasta adam - Durumunu belirtir.
The sick man - Describes Condition.
Kırmızı elma - Rengini belirtir.
The red apple - Describes Colour.
Yuvarlak masa - Şeklini belirtir.
The round table - Describes Shape.

Qualifying Adjectives answer the question How? within a sentence.


Adjectives which signal (demonstrate), question, show position or number are called Descriptive Adjectives.

There are four types of Descriptive Adjectives
(1). İşaret sıfatı -Demonstrative Adjectives - this, that
(2). Soru sıfatı - Interrogative Adjectives - which?, who?, that?
(3). Sayı sıfatı -Numerical Adjectives - one, two, third, fourth, thee each, five each
(4). Belgisiz sıfat - Indefinite Adjectives - some, any, many, few

(1). İşaret sıfatı: - Demonstrative Adjectives:

This, that, that yonder - when used with a noun or in place of a noun (as a Demonstrative Pronoun) are called Demonstrative Adjectives as they demonstrate which noun is being qualified.

These Demonstrative Adjectives can also be used with the suffix -ki - that which - to mean - nearside, farside, the other nearer, the other further

Also -ki - that which - and -deki - that which is located at.. - can be used as suffixes and are also Demonstrative Adjectives.

Ki itself can be used as an adjective or a suffixed adjective and is called the Ki Form.

Bu kalem - this pen.
Şu pencere - that window.
O araba - that car yonder.
Öteki çocuk - the further child.
Beriki bisiklet - the nearby bicycle.
Dolaptaki elbise - the clothes (which are) in the cupboard.
Beriki dağ - the nearby mountain.
Öteki kitap - the other book (over there.)
Yoldaki araba - the car (which is) in the road.

The Demonstrative Adjectives can only be used in the singular and simple form - (that is, not further extended with suffixes) otherwise they are not adjectives but either pronouns or nouns.

(2). Soru sıfatı: - Interrogative Adjectives

Interrogative Adjectives describe condition, place or number in a question form.

Nasıl çocuk? - How a child? - (What sort of child?)
Hangi okul? - Which school?
Kaç para? - How much money?
Kaçar elma? - How many apples each?
Kaçta kaç pasta? - How much pasta in how much?
Kaçıncı çocuk? - Which child (in a series)? - (Answer might be "The ninth child..")
Ne biçim böcek? - What sort of insect?
Ne tür bitki? - What type of plant?
Ne çeşit meyve? - What sort of fruit?
Ne kadar karpuz? - How many water-melons?
Neredeki ev? - The house where?

(3). Sayı sıfatı: - Numerical Adjectives

These adjectives describe number, order, equality and fractional parts of nouns.

Sayı sıfatları dört çeşittir:
Numerical Adjectives have four forms:
(a) Asıl sayı sıfatları
(A) Simple Numerical Adjectives (Cardinal Numbers) - one, two, three etc.
(b) Sıra sayı sıfatları
(B) Number Order Adjectives (Ordinal Numbers) - first, second, third etc.
(c) Üleştirme sayı sıfatları
(C) Partitive Adjectives - a half, a third, a fifth etc.
(d) Kesir sayı sıfatları
(D) Fractional Adjectives - two-thirds, three-quarters, twelve percent etc.
(e) Topluluk (Grup) sayı sıfatları
(E) Numbered Group Adjectives - twin, triple, twins, triplets etc.

(a) Asıl sayı sıfatları:
Simple (Cardinal) Numbers;
These adjectives describe the number (1, 2, 3, 4...) of the noun.

Bir araba - a, one car
İki elma - two apples
Üç silgi - three rubbers
Yirmi kilometre - twenty kilometers
Beş düzine yumurta - five dozen eggs
On sayfa - ten pages

Numerical Adjectives answer the question - How many?, How much?;

(b) Sıra sayı sıfatları:
Adjectives of Numerical Order
The suffix -inci, -ıncı, -uncu, -üncü or -nci etc. - after a vowel is attached to the simple number

Birinci araba - the first car
Onuncu ev - the tenth house
Yirminci kilometre - the twentieth kilometer
Yirmi birinci yüzyıl - the twenty-first century

To find this type of adjective we ask - Which one?

(c) Üleştirme sayı sıfatı:
Partitive (Sharing) Adjective
This adjective describes an equal divisions to each person of shared items.

The suffix -ar or -er as added to the simple noun. Buffer letter -ş- is used between vowels.

Sekizer kalem - eight pencils eachh
Dokuzar silgi - nine rubbers each
Altışar elma - six appler each
İkişer kavun - two melons each

Buffer letter -ş- is used after words that end in vowels, so in these cases the the suffix becomes -şar or -şer.

We ask the question - How many each? - to find this type of adjective.

(d) Kesir sayı sıfatı:
Fractional Adjectives
These Adjectives describe how many equal fractional parts of the whole noun.

The Fractional Adjective describes how many equal parts that the whole is divided into and which actual part or parts are being described.

To find this adjective we ask Which part of..? or How many part(s) of the whole?

Sekizde bir karpuz. - One eighth of a melon
Onda üç elma - three tenths of an apple
Yüzde yetmiş faiz - seventy percent interest
Dörtte bir pasta - a quarter of a cake

(e) Topluluk sayı sıfatı
Numerical Group Adjectives:

This adjective describes a numerical group.

İkiz çocuk - twin children (twins)
Üçüz bebek - triple babies (triplets)

(4). Belgisiz sıfat: - Indefinite adjectives

This adjective describes the noun approximately and without particularity.

Biraz süt - some milk
Birkaç çocuk - some children, a few children
Birçok insan - some people, a few people
Birtakım kuşlar - a flock of birds (a set of...)
Her anne - every mother
Başka gün - another day
Herhangi bir konu - whichever subject
Hiç bir zaman - never (not any time)
Beş on defter - 5 to 10 books
Üç beş ay - 3 or 5 months - We say 2 or 3 in English wheras Turkish says 3 or 5
Bütün yıl - all year (long)
Bir gün - one (any) day

About the word - bir - a, an one
(A) If - bir tane - one piece - or - bir takım - one set - is used then it is not an Indefinite Adjective but a Numerical or Number Group Adjective.
(B) Herhangi bir - whichever one - is an Indefinite Adjective.

Manavdan bir karpuz aldım. - Sayı Sıfatı - I bought a melon from the grocers - Numerical Adjective
Bir gün size geleceğim. - Belgisiz sıfat - One day I will visit you - Indefinite Adjective
Bir yaz akşamı güneş erken batmıştı... - Belgisiz sıfat - The sun sank early one summer's day - Indefinite Adjective



These adjectives describe the rank, duty, degree, station, official position and social standing of the person noun or spoken respect and ackowlgement of the Title or Proffesion etc...

The position of Adjective of Title may come before or after the noun also the can come both before and after in certain circumstances.

In short, Adjectives of Title are used with names in these three forms:

(1). İsimden önce: - Before the noun:

Doktor Mehmet - Dr. Mehmet
Yüzbaşı Hasan - Captain Hasan
Bay Cemil - Mr Cemil
Demirci Ahmet - (the) Miller Ahmet

(2). İsimden sonra: - After the noun:

Ahmet Bey - Mr. Ahmet
Ayşe Hanım - Miss/Ms/Mrs. Ayşe
Hasan Yüzbaşı - Captain Hasan (the Captain)
Mustafa Kemal Paşa - General Mustafa Kemal (the General)
Mehmet Dayı - Uncle Mahmat (maternal uncle)

(3). Hem isimden önce; hem de isimden sonra: - Both before and after the noun:

Öğretmen Ayşe Hanım - Miss Ayşe the Teacher
Doktor Mehmet Bey - Dr. Mr. Mehmet
Makinist Ahmet Usta - Machinist Ahmet the Expert

The Adjectives of Title are written in capital letters.


These adjectives are divided into three types.

(1). Basit sıfatlar: - Simple Adjectives:

The noun does not take a suffix in the simple form.

Kırık masa - a broken table
Üç elma - three apples
Bu çocuk - this child
O adam - that man

(2). Türemiş sıfatlar: - Extended or Derived Adjectives:

The noun takes a suffix and th Adjective is derived from a noun or a verb.

Elmalı pasta (İsimden türemiş) -lı yapım eki
Apple cake - derived from the noun "elma - apple" by adding the -li - consisting of.. suffix

Şekersiz çay (İsimden türemiş) -siz yapım eki
Unsugared tea - derived from "sugar" by adding the -siz - without suffix.

Dalgın çocuk (Fiilden türemiş) -gın yapım eki
(the) Absent-minded child. - derived from the verb "dalmak - to plunge" using the -gin suffix.

Uyuyan köpek (Fiilden türemiş) -an yapım eki, -y- kaynaştırma harfi
(the) sleeping dog. - derived from the verb "uyumak - to sleep" by adding the -an - who/which/that is.. suffix and using buffer letter -y-

(3). Bileşik sıfatlar: - Coupled Adjectives:

Adjectives formed from two or more words strung together.

Vurdumduymaz çocuk - the thick-skinned child - vurmak (to hit) + duymaz (does not feel)
Birkaç ev - a few houses - bir (a) + kaç (how many)
Soğukkanlı insanlar - cold-blooded people - Soğuk (cold) + kanlı (blooded)
Açıkgöz kadın - (the) greedy girl - Açık (open) + göz (eye)
Cingöz Ahmet - Sly Ahmet - Cin (djinn) + göz (eye)


Adjective forms which deepen, strengthen and intensify their basic meaning.

There are four forms of Adjectival Intensification:

(A). Some adjectives can be Intensified by adding one of the letters - m, p, r, s - to the first syllable of the Simple Adjective. The resulting syllable is prefixed to the Simple Adjective to form an Intensified Adjective.

Beyaz önlük - Be + m + beyaz önlük - Bembeyaz önlük - Bright white apron
Kırmızı elma - Kı + p + kırmız elma - Kıpkırmızı elma - bright red apple
Temiz çocuk - Te + r + temiz çocuk - Tertemiz çocuk - squeaky clean child
Doğru yol - Dosdoğru yol - Dead straight road

(b) İkileme ( tekrarlama ) yolu ile:
(B) The repetition of the qualifying adjective before the noun gives a feeling of Intensity.

Beyaz dişler - Beyaz beyaz dişler - white teeth - bright white teeth
Sıcak çörekler - Sıcak sıcak çörekler - fresh buns - really fresh buns
Sarı kumlar - Sarı sarı kumlar - yellow sands - bright yellow sands
Uzun yollar - Uzun uzun yollar - long roads - really long roads
Taze yumurta - Taze taze yumurtar - fresh eggs - really fresh eggs

(C). Putting the question particle between repeated qualifying adjectives.

Beyaz dişler - Beyaz beyaz dişler - beyaz mı beyaz dişler - white teeth - very white teeth
Sarı sarı kumlar - Sarı mı sarı kumlar - yellow yellow sands - the sands are so yellow
Sıcak sıcak çörekler - Sıcak mı sıcak çörekler - very fresh buns - the buns are so fresh
Sarı sarı kumlar - Sarı mı sarı kumlar - bright yellow sands - shining bright yellow sands
Uzun uzun yollar - Uzun mu uzun yollar - very long roads - the roads are so long


Reducing or narrowing adjectives are formed by adding the suffixes -ce, -cik to qualifiying adjectives or -(i)msi, -(i)mtırak - to colours.

These adjectives are called Reducing Adjectives when these suffixes are added.

Güzel araba - güzelce araba - a niceish car
Yeşil elma - yeşilimsi elma - a greenish apple
Mavi çanta - mavimsi çanta - a blueish bag
Kısa pantolon - kısacık pantolon - little short pants
Küçük masa - küçücük masa - a smallish table
Mavi çanta - mavimtırak çanta - a blueish bag
Sarı elma - sarımtırak elma - a yellowish apple

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