

Words which express both animate and inanimate objects, feelings, thoughts and notions are called NOUNS
kedi - cat
duvar - wall
su - water
duygu - feeling
düşünce - thought.

According to what is expressed Nouns are divided into three types.

(1) Proper Nouns
(2) Common Nouns

(1) Özel İsimler: - Real Names:

Single objects which exist and are named in the world.
Londra - London
Kibris - Cyprus
Alsancak - a area of Izmir
Mehmet - a person's name
Karadeniz - Black Sea

Common Nouns - Writing Conventions
Proper nouns are written with a capital letter both at the beginning and within a sentence. Structural suffixes, plural -ler, lar (and the other general suffixes -li, -siz, -ci, -gil, -cik, -ler) are not written separately from their noun.

Kibrislı - Cypyiot
Ergunsuz - without Ergun (a man's name)
Galatasaraycı - a supporter of Galatasaray FC.
Mehmetgil - the family of Mehmet
Ayşecik - little Ayşe
Kırk Haramlar - the Forty Thieves

Proper Nouns which end in hard consonants (p, ç, t, k) retain their spelling when adding suffixes. The suffixes are always used with an apostrophe in written Turkish. However in spoken Turkish they follow Consonant Softening and Vowel Harmony Rules.

As Written: - As Spoken:
Mehtap'ın - Mehtabın
Murat'ı - Muradı
Alsancak'a - Alsancağa
Satranç - Satranca

Proper Name Type Nouns:

(1) First Names and Surnames of Persons
Ergun Kırkağçlı, Mehmet Buldanli, Ayşe Sarıkurt

(2) Country, Nation and State names:
İngiltere, Türkiye, İspanya, Avrupa, Teksas... İngiliz, Alman, Fransız...

(3) Newspaper, Magazine and Names of Books:
Sabah, Yeni Asır, Bilim Çocuk, Çalı Kuşu, Erkekçe...

(4) Mountain, sea, river, hill, plain, ness, etc. geographical names:
Toros Dağları, Kavaklı Dere, Çınarlı Tepe, İzmir Boğazı, Mağusa Körfezi, Karaburun...

(5) Institution, association, school, bank, syndicate, employer organization; etc. names:
Türk Hava Kurumu, Halk Sanatları Derneği, Dört Eylül İkokullu, Ziraat Bankası, Kıbrıs Türk Öğretmenler Sendikası, Orman Bakanlığı...

(6) Heavenly bodies, planets, stars names:
Ay, Güneş, Dünya, Venüs, Merkür, Samanyolu, Büyük Ayı ...

(7) Language and Religious names ve din isimleri:
İngilizce, Türkçe, Fransızca, Almanca, Rusça... Hıristiyanlık, Müslümanlık, Protestanlık...

(8) Street, road, district, city, town names, :
Yalın Sokak, Uzun Yol Caddesi, Atatürk Bulvarı, Basmane Meydanı, Bursa, İmir...

(9) Names of objects:
Fabrika - factory
duvar - wall
kalem - pen
köpek - dog
insan - person
çatı - roof
su - water
pencere - window...

II. Common Nouns:

(1) Concrete Nouns - (Somut isim - Substantial Nouns)
(2) Abstract Nouns (Insubstantial Nouns - Soyut isim)

(1) - Concrete Nouns:
Concrete nouns are those that you can see, hear, smell and touch or taste.
ağaç - tree
lezzet - flavour
koku - scent
biber - pepper
hava - air
boğaz - throat
ışık - light
yağmur - rain
yel - wind
sıcaklık - heat

(2) - Abstract Nouns:
Abstract nouns are those that we cannot realize with our five senses. We realize these nouns from feeling, thought and emotion
arkadaşlık - friendship
zenginlik - wealth
düşünce - thought
güzellik - beauty
saygılık - esteem
utanma - embarrassment
etki - effect
aldatma - deceit.....

III. Nouns according to Number:

(1) Singular Nouns - (Tekil isimler)
(2) Plural Nouns - (Çoğul isimler)
(3) Collective Nouns - (Topluluk ismi)

(1) - Single Nouns:
Noun form used for a single object.
okul - school
bulut - cloud
lise - high - school
iskemle - chair
gazete - newspaper
kaya - rock
hafta - week...

(2) - Plural Nouns:
Noun form used for two or more items of an object. The plural suffix is -ler or -lar which is added to the root word according to Vowel harmony Rules.
okullar - school
bulutlar - clouds
liseler - high - schools
iskemleler - chairs
gazeteler - newspapers
kayalar - rocks
haftalar - weeks...

Besides making an object plural there are changes in meaning that the addition of the Plural suffix may indicate, these include:.

Other indicated meanings of the Plural Suffix:
(a) Exaggeration: Çocuk ateşler içinde yanıyordu.
- The child was in a high fever.
(b) Uniqueness: İkisi de okulun kapısında annelerini bekliyorlardı.
- Both of then were waiting for their mothers at the school gate.
(c) Approximation: Sizi arayan 10 yaşlarında bir çocuktu.
- There as a child aged about 10 looking for you.
(d) General Family Encompass: Akşama Fatmalar bize gelecek.
- The Fatma family are visiting us this evening.
(e) Showing Esteem: Öğretmen Hanımlar, içeride oturuyorlar.
- The lady teachers are sitting inside.
(f) Similarity : Mustafa Kemaller tükenmez.
- The followers of Mustafa Kemal will never pass on.

(3) - Collective Nouns:
Collective nouns signify a collection of similar nouns.
Düzine - dozen
aile - family
orman - forest
takım - set
ekip - team
ordu - army
grup - group
yığın - heap
okul - school
sene - year...

Collective nouns can also be plural.
takımlar - sets
ekipler - teams
ormanlar - forests
sürüler - herds, flocks...

Noun Structures

There are three types of noun structures:
(1) Simple Nouns
(2) Derived Nouns
(3) Compound Nouns

(1) - Simple Nouns:
Simple nouns are in their root form, without the addition of suffixes or without compounding with another noun.
bardak - tumbler, drinking glass
çay - tea
araba - car
bahçe - garden

Simple nouns are unsuffixed nouns (although they may be plural) in their root form and are not part of a compound noun
adam - man
adamlar - men
balta - axe
baltalar - axes
cepler - pockets
eki - effect
etkiler - effects...

(2) - Derived Nouns:
Nouns which take a suffix of structure to form a new noun with a new or modified meaning.

İzmirli - citizen of Izmir - root - İzmir
dostluk - friendship - root - dost
sütçü - milkman - root - süt
Almanca - German Language - root - Alman
vatandaş - countryman - root - vatan
işçi - worker - root -

(3) - Compound Nouns:
Compound nouns are those made up of two or more nouns (written contiguously) strung together which may take on a new meaning. As different word make up these compounds the Vowel harmony Rules are not applicable to them.
Anayol - main road - ana + yol (main + road)
başöğretmen - head-teacher
havagazı - natural-gas
kabakulak - thick-eared, eavesdropper
hanımeli - honeysuckle...


Diminished Nouns - (Nouns Reduced in Meaning)

Words which take the reducing suffixes -cik, -cık, -ceğiz, -cağız, -cek, -cak, -ciğim show intimacy (sevgi), pity (acıma), reduction (küçültme), non-importance (azımsama) and joking (alay gibi).

babacığım - daddy - Intimate, Loving
kedicik - pussy - Reduction, Niceness
adamcağız - "poor old chap" - Pity
büyücek - biggish - (from büyük) - Reduction and Approximation, (sort of..)
bir milyon liracık - one million lira.. - Shows non-importance
şoförcük - driver??!! - Joke

Some words ending in -cik are words in their own right and are NOT reduced nouns.
bademcik - tonsil
gelincik - poppy, weasel
arpacık - stye on the eye...

Nouns of Condition

Nouns of Condition can be the noun itself in its Simple Form.
Also it can be suffixed with -i (the Object Condition)
Suffixed with -e (the Movement Towards Condition)
Suffixed with -de (the Static Condition)
Suffixed with -den (the Movement Away from Condition)
All the above suffixes are subject to Vowel Harmony Rules and Consonant Change Rules

In Turkish these Noun Conditions are called:
İsim yalın hali - Noun Simple Condition - (in Classical Terms - Nominative Case)
İsim i-Hali - Noun -i Condition - (Accusative case)
İsim e-hali - Noun -e Condition - (Dative case)
İsim de-hali - Noun -de Condition - (Locative case)
İsim den-hali - Noun -den Condition - (Ablative case)

The Five Conditions of the Noun.

(1) - Noun yalın hali: - (Signifies the subject noun, this form does not take any suffixes. "the..")
göz - eye, the eye
gözler - eyes, the eyes
elma - apple, the apple
elmalar - apples, the apples
tos - dust
yıl - year
fırça - brush
toprak - earth
ziraat - agriculture
tekerlek - wheel
tekerlekler - wheels
denk - bale
masa - table
Ahmet - Mr. Ahmet...

(2) - Noun -e hali: - (signifies Movement To.. or Towards.. to the Noun itself - "to.., towards..")
This suffix has two forms according to Vowel Harmony Rules -e or -a, is added to the root word to produce the e-hali condition.
göze - to the eye
gözlere - to the eyes
elmaya - to the apple
elmalara - to the apples
tosa - to the dust
yıla - to the year
fırçaya - to the brush
toprağa - to the earth
ziraata - to the agriculture
tekerleğe - to the wheel
tekerleklere - to the wheels
denge - to the bale
masaya - to the table
Ahmet'e - to the Mr. Ahmet...

(3) - Noun -i hali: - (signifies the Direct object - "the" - in English)
This suffix has four forms according to vowel harmony rules, (- i, -ı, -u, -ü) is added to the root word to produce the i-hali condition.
elmayı - the apple
elmaları - the apples
okulu - the school
okulları - the schools
üzümü - the grape
üzümleri - the grapes
gözü - the eye
gözleri - the eyes
kitabı - the book
kitapları - the books
ağacı - the tree
ağaçları - the trees
derdi - the worry
dertleri - the worries
rengi - the color
renkleri - the colours
Ahmet'i - Mr. Ahmet
Ahmet'leri - the Ahmet family

(A) : When adding this suffix to a root words which end in a vowel buffer letter -y- is used to produce -ye or -ya in order to keep two vowels apart.
(B) : Common Noun Roots which end in the hard consonants (p, ç, t, k , s, ş, h, f) change this consonant to its soft form (b, c, d, ğ) when adding the e-hali suffix , -e or -a
(C) : Proper Noun Roots retain the hard consonant endings (p, ç, t, k , s, ş, h, f) in writing, as the e-hali suffix uses a apostrophe. (Mehmet = Mehmet'e as written but spoken = Mehmede)
(D) : If a noun end in -nk as in denk - bale, renk - colour and ahenk - harmony the the final -k softens to letter -g (not -ğ) when adding a vowel suffix - thus - dengi, rengi, ahengi. This is because it would be impossible to pronounce these words if the normal change had been to - renği, denği etc...

(4) - Noun -de hali: - (signifies a Static Condition of the noun - "in, on at..")
The suffix -de or -da is added to the root, according to vowel harmony rules. If the last letter of the noun is a hard consonant (p, ç, t, k , s, ş, h, f ) - then the suffix takes it own hard form -te or -ta.
elmada - in the apple
elmalarda - in the apples
okulda - at the school
okullarda - at the schools
üzümde - on the grape
üzümlerde - on the grapes
gözde - in the eye
gözlerde - in the eyes
kitapta - in the book
kitaplarda - in the books
ağaçta - in the tree
ağaçlarda - in the trees
dertte - in the worry
dertlerde - in the worries
renkte - in the color
renklerde - in the colours
Ahmet'te - on Mr. Ahmet
Ahmet'lerde - in the Ahmet family
sabahta - in the morning
sabahlarda - from the mornings

If the last letter of the noun is a hard consonant (p, ç, t, k, s, ş, h, f) - then the suffix takes it own hard form -te or -ta

(5) - Noun -den hali: - (signifies a Movement Away from the noun - "from, via..")
The suffix -den or -dan is added to the root, according to vowel harmony rules. If the last letter of the noun is a hard consonant (p, ç, t, k , s, ş, h, f ) - then the suffix takes it own hard form -ten or -tan.
elmadan - from the apple
elmalardan - from the apples
okuldan - from the school
okullardan - from the schools
üzümden - from the grape
üzümlerden - from the grapes
gözden - from the eye
gözlerden - from the eyes
kitaptan - from the book
kitaplardan - from the books
ağaçtan - from the tree
ağaçlardan - from the trees
dertten - from the worry
dertlerden - from the worries
renkten - from the color
renklerden - from the colours
Ahmet'ten - from Mr. Ahmet
Ahmet'lerden - from the Ahmet family
sabahtan - from the morning
sabahlardan - from the mornings

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