Lost in Space

Lost in Space - Spatial Relationships

Some Space Oddities

As in English these Spatials may either be an adjective or a noun.
Consider: The exterior door. The outside wall - here we are using the word exterior and outside as adjectives describing the nouns they possess - in this case - door and wall.

But as in English these Spatials can also be nouns.
Consider: At the back of the house. From the top of the table.

We can easily see that in this case both back and side are nouns - it is even pointed out to us by the use of the Definite Article - the back and the side.

However when we say At the back of the house. then we can also say The house's back (if needs be in English).

This is exactly the same as the Possessive Relationship in Turkish.

  1. We must say for:
  2. Evin arkası - The back of the house - Lit: the house-of the back-its.
  1. Sinilary another example:
  2. Masanin üstü - The top of the table - Lit: the table-of the top-its.

We can see that Spatial Relationships are just another form of the Possessive Relationship in Turkish where one noun owns the second ev-in arka-si - the back of the house.

As we have already learned that is a new Extended Noun then we can apply further small suffixes - to, from, at etc. - to complete the meaning as required

A couple of examples:

Masanin üstünden - From the top of the table. (uses -den suffix).
Masanin üstünde. - On the top of the table. (uses -de suffix).
Masanin üstüne. - To the top of the table. (Uses -e suffix).

This then is the way that Turkish treats Spatial Relationships and some of the main ones are shown below. Many of these are in use in daily life - it is for this reason that Manisa Turkish has dealt with Spatial Relationships as a topic on its own.

Formation of Spatials

Exterior, Outside - dış - (adjective) dışı -(noun)

Used as an Adjective
  1. dış kapı - the outside gate
  2. dış avlu - the outside yard
Used as a Noun
  1. kapının dışı - the outside of the gate
  2. bankanın dışına - to the outside of the bank
  3. evin dışında - at the outside of the house
  4. bahçenin dışından - from the outside the garden
Please do not bring food and drink from outside.
Yiyecek 10kb
Some Examples
  1. kapının dışında - at the outside of the gate, outside (of) the gate
  2. bankanın dışından - from outside (of) the bank
  3. peronun dışına - to the outside of the railway Platform

English sometimes drops the little word - of

Note That The noun dışı - the exterior - takes a buffer letter -n- when adding the -de and -dan suffixes.

A little warning: Try not mix this word with diş - tooth - which of course is spelt with a Dotted -i-

As an Adverb of Place - dışarı - outside

A sign in a park cafe in Kuşadası
Disardan 10kb

dışarı - outside - is used without a preceding noun, because it is a adverb of place.

  1. dışarı gidiyorum. - I'm going out. (dışarıya - also could be used)
  2. dışarıdan geliyorum. - I'm coming from outside.
  3. dışarıdayım - I am outside.
    (or - dışardayım - like - buradayım - which is spoken - burdayım - the shortened forms being generally used in daily conversation).
"In here which are sold products from outside to bring is prohibited. We thank you."

This sign does not seem very grammatical but we can understand its meaning..

- interior, internal

  1. -(n)in içine - to the inside of
  2. -(n)in içinde - at the inside of
  3. -(n)in içinden - from the inside of
Used as an Adjective
  1. iç hastalıkları - internal diseases
  2. iç savaş - civil war
Used as a Noun
  1. odanın içi - the inside of the room, outside (of) the gate
  2. ormanın içinde - in the depths the forest
  3. garın içinden - from the inside of the railway station

As an Adverb of Place - içeri - inside

içeri - inside - is used without a preceding noun, because it is a adverb of place.

  1. içeri - I'm going in(side). (içeriye - also could be used)
  2. içerden geliyorum. - I'm coming from inside.
Also - içeri - and - dışarı can be used with nouns.
  1. Lütfen kapidan içeri giriniz. - Please go(pass) inside through(or from) the door.
  2. Evimden dışarı çık! - Get out of my house!.

yan - side, flank

  1. -(n)in yanına - to the side of
  2. -(n)in yanında - at/by the side of
  3. -(n)in yanından - from the side of
Used as an Adjective
  1. yan kapı - side gate
  2. yan sokak - side road
Used as a Noun
  1. kapının yanında - at the side of the gate
  2. bankanın yanından - from sideof the bank
  3. sol duvarın yanına - to the side of the left wall
  4. duvarın sol yanına - to the left side of the wall

taraf - side, side part

  1. -(n)in tarafına - to the side part of
  2. -(n)in tarafında - at/by the side part of
  3. -(n)in tarafından - from the side part of

taraf - is not an adjective - it is only used as a noun

Used as a Noun
  1. kapının tarafında - at the side of the gate
  2. bankanın tarafından - from the side (of) the bank
  3. peronın tarafına - to the side of the railway Platform
Some examples with - taraf - side part
  1. Arabanın alt tarafından bir seyler damlıyor. - Something(s) is dripping from the underside of the car.
  2. Sen kimin tarafındasın? Benim mi onun mu? - Whose side are you on? Mine or his?
  3. Dolabın üst tarafına baktın mı? - Have you looked at (to) the topside of the cupboard?

üst - top, topmost

  1. -(n)in üstüne - to the top of
  2. -(n)in üstünde - at/by the top of
  3. -(n)in üstünden - from the top of
Used as an Adjective
  1. üst tepe - the top hill
  2. en üst pencere - uppermost window - (superlative)
Used as a Noun
  1. bardağın üstünde - on top of the glass
  2. ağaçların üstüne - towards the top of the trees
  3. arabamın üstünden - from the top of the my car

üzeri - over, on top of, in addition to, besides

  1. -(n)in üzerine - over
  2. -(n)in üstünde - at/by the top of, over the top of..
  3. -(n)in üstünden - from the top of, from over the top of..

üzeri - is not an adjective - it is only used as a noun

Used as a Noun
  1. elma üzerine portakal getir - in addition to apples get (some) oranges
  2. binanın üzerinden - from over the building
  3. masanın üzerindeki fincan - the cup which is on top of the table

alt - bottom, under, below, undeneath

  1. -(n)in altına - under, to the under of
  2. -(n)in altında - under, at/by the under of
  3. -(n)in altından - from underneath
Used as an Adjective
  1. alt kapı - the bottom gate
  2. alt dolap - the lower cupboard
Used as a Noun
  1. Alt dolabın altına fincanları koyunuz dışarda - Put the cups (to the) underneath the bottom cupboard
  2. Masanın altından topu cekin - Get the ball from under the table
  3. Sağ ayağımın altı kaşınıyor - The underneath of my right foot is itching

orta - middle, center

  1. -(n)in ortasına - to the middle of
  2. -(n)in ortasında - at the middle of
  3. -(n)in ortasından - from the middle of
Used as an Adjective
  1. orta kapı - middle gate
  2. orta oda - center room
Used as a Noun
  1. parkın ortasına - to the middle of the park
  2. bahçenin ortasında - in the middle of the garden
  3. orta odanın ortasından - from the center of the middle room

art - behind, rear side, backside

  1. -(n)in ardına - to the behind of
  2. -(n)in ardında - at the rear of
  3. -(n)in ardından - from behind of

art - is not an adjective - it is only used as a noun

Used as a Noun
  1. kapının ardında - at the rear the door, behind the door
  2. bankanın ardından - from behind the bank
  3. mutfağın ardına - to the rear of the kitchen

arka - back, rear

  1. -(n)in arkasına - to the back of
  2. -(n)in arkasında - at/by back of
  3. -(n)in arkasından - from the back of
Used as an Adjective
  1. arka kapı - the back gate
  2. arka bahçe - back garden
Used as a Noun
  1. kapının arkası - the back of the door
  2. garajın arkasından - from back of the garage
  3. kuyruğun arkasına - to the back of the queue

ön - front

  1. -(n)in önüne - to the front of
  2. -(n)in önünde - at/by front of
  3. -(n)in önünden - from the front of
Used as an Adjective
  1. ön kapı - the front door
  2. ön pencereler - the front winows
Used as a Noun
  1. kapının önünde - in front of the door
  2. manavın önüne - to the front of the greengrocer's
  3. rafların önünden - from the front of the shelves

yakın - near, nearby, close to, in the vicinity of

  1. -(n)in yakınına - to the nearby of
  2. -(n)in yakınında - nearby
  3. -(n)in yakınından - from near the
Used as an Adjective
  1. yakın kapı - the near gate
  2. yakın bir ofis - an office nearby
Used as a Noun
  1. kapının yakınında - near the gate
  2. kapının yakınlarında - near by the gate - (plural is more vague)
  3. bankanın yakınından - from close to the bank - (Lit: from the near of the bank)
  4. otogarın yakınına - in the vicinity of bus station

Used as an Adverb of Place - yakın - near

  1. bankaya yakın - near to the bank

ara - space between

  1. -(n)in arasına - in between
  2. -(n)in arasında - between
  3. -(n)in arasından - from between
Used as an Adjective
  1. ara kapı - the door between - (a connecting door beween rooms)
Used as a Noun
  1. hafta arası - mid-week
  2. kapıların arasında - in between (of)the doors
  3. masaların arasına iskemleyi koyun - Put the chair (to the) between (of the) tables
  4. bunların arasından bir tane alın - Take one from between these

karşı - opposite, against

  1. -(n)in karşısına - to the opposite side of, against
  2. -(n)in karşısında - at the opposite side of, against
  3. -(n)in karşısından - from the opposite side of, against
Used as an Adjective
  1. karşı kapı - the opposite gate
  2. karşı kaldırım - the opposite pavement - (USA: opposite sidewalk)
Used as a Noun
  1. kapının karşısında - opposite the gate
  2. bankanın karşısındaki sokak - the street which is opposite the bank
  3. Mehmet, kahvenin karşısından çıktı - Mehmet came out from opposite the cafe

etraf - around, environment, surrondings

Etraf was origininally the old Arabic Plural of taraf - side
  1. -(n)in etrafına - to the surrounds of
  2. -(n)in etrafında - around the
  3. -(n)in etrafından - from around the

etraf- is not an adjective - it is only used as a noun

Used as a Noun
  1. masamıznın etrafına bolca çiçek koyuldu - Flowers galore were put around our table
  2. etrafımda çocuklar oyunuyordu - the children were playing (all) around me
  3. bostanın etrafından - from around the vegetable garden

çevre - around, surrounding

Let us keep our surroundings clean.
Tutalim 10kb

çevre - is synonymous with - etraf [Abr.] above - and is gradually replacing the Arabic word

  1. -(n)in çevresine - to the surrounds of
  2. -(n)in çevresinde - around the
  3. -(n)in çevresinden - from around the
Used as an Adjective
  1. çevre yolu - circular road - (bypass road)
Used as a Noun
  1. kentin çevreleri - the surroundings of the town
  2. bankanın çevresinde bir park bulunur - there is a park surrounding the bank
  3. fabrikanın çevresine bir engel koydular - they have put a barrier around the factory

Çevre-miz-e - An actual example

Cevrimize 16kb

Here is a sign on a building site at Kuşadası in May 2006

"We apologise on account of the dangers and discomforts that we will give to our surroundings during building works."

çevre-miz-e... - surroundings-of-us-to...

rahat-sız-lık-lar-dan dolayı - comfort-dis-ness-es-from because of - on account of discomfortnesses..

-dan dolayı - because of../on account of... This constuction takes the "movement away from" (ablative) case.

aşağı - down, downstairs

  1. -(n)in aşağısı - downwards
  2. -(n)in aşağısında - below, downstairs
  3. -(n)in -aşağısından - from below, less than
Used as an Adjective
  1. aşağı mahalle - a low town district - (Figuratively: slum)
  2. aşağı kat - the floor below
Used as a Noun
  1. inişın aşağısı - downhill - (Lit: The down of the hill)
  2. merdivenin aşağısına - to downstairs
  3. yolun aşağısından yürüyün - Walk from the bottom of the road

Some Examples

  1. Dağın aşağısı serin. - It is chilly down the mountain - (Lit: The down of the mountain is chilly.)
  2. Dağın aşağısındaki agaçlar çok güzel. - The trees which are at the lower side of the mountain are very beautiful.
  3. Dağın aşağısından gelen rüzgar ğok soğuk. - The wind which comes from the lower side of the mountain is so cold.

Used as an Adverb of Place - aşağı - downstairs

  1. aşağı gidiyorum. or - aşağı gidiyorum. - I going downstairs

yukarı - above, up upstairs

  1. -(n)in yukarısına - upwards
  2. -(n)in yukarısında - up,upstairs
  3. -(n)in yukarısından - from above/more than
Used as an Adjective
  1. yukarı ev - the house above
  2. yukarı dal - the branch (of a tree) above
Used as a Noun
  1. yokuş yukarı - uphill
  2. merdivenin yukarısı - upstairs
  3. tepenin yukarısından indik - We came down from the top of the hill
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